11 Jobs Of The Future

6 min readAug 20, 2021


(The specialty fields you won’t find in the classifieds.)

1. Medical Intuitive.


Duties required:

  • Reading energy flow and somatic expressions of discord
  • Sense and tend to tension / energy blockages /stored waves within the body, deriving the associated root experience
  • Reconnect fragmented energy
  • Gently guide a person back into alignment showing the patient his / her / their self-healing capacity.

Prescriptions read like:

  • Absorb direct sunlight daily, infusing cells with sun rays (data / information) to boost immune system and recalibrate frequency.
  • 2 weeks daily practice reconnecting with creative muse — freedom to explore whims / follow intuitive hits. Energy shielding from outside influences if required.
  • Pranayama / breathwork. Focus on space between ribs. Imagine coccyx has breathing capacity. Notice any numbness? Where doesn’t the air go? Direct attention there.

The MI may feel mirroring sensations in their own body, exacting in on the root cause by sensation. Or scenes may play out around the patient, or insights might come as a thought package/download. The practioner may experience a visual of the patient in childhood, or adolescence, where the discordant wave was initially stored.

2. Past-life regressionist.

In “The Law of Love” by Laura Esquivel — set in 2200, politicians past lives are screened to determine integrity, intent and capacity before they could be elected.

Imagine that!

Our cells hold memories of past experiences, even in-utero imprinting, and they also hold the potential of memories yet to be formed. Our cells can traverse timelines, projecting imagery upon our field.

Dipping into trance states brings this imagery to the fore. Timeline travelling a matter of tuning into alternate frequencies (alpha / theta / gamma waves) beyond the conscious reasoning mind (beta waves).

Experiences amongst the pyramids.

Dancing with fire on the sands of Polynesia.

Life as a dolphin.

Burning a witch at the stake — it’s all holographically recorded.

We are all carrying encoded data within our being it’s no wonder we’re often confused and/or overwhelmed and/or experiencing waves of anxiety. The input is excessive — and there’s no user manual for managing extra sensory perceptions.

A guide can help traverse this unknown terrain — past, present and future.

3. Time traveller.

Time Traveller Wanted: visionary able to project 6 months into the future to tell us how this product launch will go if we do it this (x) way.

It’s less theatrical than shrinking into a blue light or walking through an elongated shimmering portal. In fact, it might look like you were sleeping, day-dreaming or high, but you’re not. You’re travelling amongst dimensions.

It takes imagination to explore possibilities beyond what we see.

Tuning into these subtle senses — the imaginal realms — takes in the whole scope of our human experience. It’s by no means dissociative, it’s integrative. It takes an openness and a finely-tuned energetic state.

Scenes can appear as overlays on present day surroundings, or insights comes as complete thought packages unravelling over time. Psychometry skills would prove advantageous for identifying ancient artifacts and their significance.

It’s not always romantic or exotic. It’s certainly always multi-dimensional though.

4. Psychometrist.

“Bring us your stuff, we’ll tell you a story.”

Everything vibrates.

One attuned to the subtle realms can read the encoded messages stored in (seemingly) inanimate objects. It’s still merely a wave, within the field, after all.

The psychometrist can read those waves like the morning paper, drawing connections, removing blind spots, opening portals and retrieving fragments from points in time, or simply acting as a catalyst, or medium, for the client.

5. Vibrational / sound healer.

Energy flicking through many, many channels?

Playing multiple discordant frequencies at the same time?

Feeling anxious — like too many waves are surrounding and/or infiltrating your vessel?

Time for recalibration.

Like the sound chambers of ancient civilizations, reverberations — of certain frequencies—can temper inner conflict.

Energy stored in the body that doesn’t belong is the holding of a wave that is contradictory to your natural way of being. Social constructs which reduce your freedom to move or speak, or authoritative commands/ideologies from parents or teachers often blast us with waves (often discordant) which we hold for later when we’re conscious of our capacity to release those imprints.

The practioner senses the pitch, tone and cadence requiring adjustment and administers the correct counter wave, immersing the patient within the field.

Sound and tone carry the wave to undo blocked tension / held patterns.

Regular attunement sessions can induce trance states and a sense of cohesion — mind, body and field.

6. Astrologer.

outer inner space

7. Feng shui master.

The field creates us as much as we create it. A unified field opens channels and promotes positive energy flow, as is its natural inclination.

Our bodies are electro-magnetic. Good work output (and inner harmony) is conducive to the atmosphere — the environment occupied.

Forget counting productivity hours of a measure of success. Yin energy is just as important, if not more.

The measure of time is not by the hour, but the cycles of nature. The workday depends on energy flow variations, our circadian rhythms, our hormonal fluctuations, natural light — not an abstract hourly mandate. The magnetic orientation of the planet has it all organized, it’s just about finding the inner resonace and positioning the body (and our surrounding spaces) accordingly.

Beauty, imagination, balance.

An atmosphere of flow speaks directly to the subconscious mind, which — let’s face it — is really what’s driving our daily moves and motivations. The subtle energy of environmental surroundings cannot be overlooked.

8. Pet psychic.

Pets are soul friends here to offer their energy and teach us how to master our energy and our connection to our intuition. Tuning into their behaviour — their energy — creates and enhances the connection with a language beyond words.

Prepare to think in pictures. Play more. See innocence. Feel energy. Learn to transmute automatic responses / reactivity. Open to subtle senses / alternative communication. Detect energy and understand intent.

This language might feel more natural to you than regular verbal communications.

9. Energy clearer.

Master of transmutation. Patterns expert. Autodidact.

Duties required:

  • Identify and extract stored patterns stored within the body / field.
  • Neutralize discordant energy.
  • Suggest maintenance practices to adjust to authentic vibration.
  • Emit calming vibes.
  • Open perspectives and educate on self-healing potentials of the body.

Sometimes words and stories perpetuate energies. The wounding comes from a place that language can’t describe accurately. It’s a feeling — a sensation. These sensations need to be felt to be released, not explained.*

It’s beyond logic and language. It’s autonomic, like how your body regulates temperature and digestion. Thinking about it — forming cohesive sentences creates a container the energy lives within. Energy clearers deal directly with the nucleus.

*Verbal therapy converts stored patterns/energy into waves (voice). On occasion, the energy needs to be dealt with directly — without the variation that occurs when translating the abstract (feeling/sensation) into language.

10. Artist

Dyslexics also encouraged to apply.

11. Dream analyst

Expert in deciphering symbolism. Traverser of alpha/theta domains. Good understanding of energy dynamics, childhood imprinting and root trauma.

Half our life is spent in dream states. Our bodies heal in the long waves of delta waves, yet often, we’re so quick to jump into the beta waves (regular daily programming) these subtleties get strewn to the wayside—dismissed.

Embracing all aspects of our consciousness, not just the outer, surface level, but the subtle patterns and imagery of the unconscious realms makes for a cohesive reality. The work is to go deeper — wider — working across alternate timelines and dimensions — experiencing the many true aspects of reality, not just the physical.

If you’ve ever felt unwell reading job classifieds —like no categories suit your skillset— you likely have a few layers of ESP worth exploring. The ‘job’ aligned to your innate talents is still crystallising into form. Keep mastering your craft. It’s only a matter of time now.




Written by outerinner.space

Astrology + Energy + Self-Healing. Artist. Autodidact. Visit www.outerinner.space for more

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