Clearing Energy Blocks

It’s not ‘the story’ you’re healing, but the energy behind it.
9 min readAug 2, 2020

To know if this article is for you, take a deep breath. If you feel a blockage anywhere, any area where your breath doesn’t go or there seems to be a constriction, you’ve likely got some stuck energy so perhaps it’ll be worth your time to read on.

Let’s kick off with the baseline of everything :

everything is energy,


energy is always in motion.


I’m not saying the following information will solve ALL your problems.

Also, I’m not an MD and this is subjective af.

What I am saying is that experience shows, if you give these blockages the attention they want, if you venture in with curiosity, and if you believe that knowing yourself and mastering your energy is a key to your happiness, and also related to the vibration you’re emitting then it’s certainly worth a look.

So, why are these blockages here?

Many reasons, but backing those reasons (again) is energy — a particular experience/feeling/trauma/pattern which wasn’t processed and it wants attention. You were probably small and or vulnerable at the time, and didn’t have the processing power to manage it, there is a lot of confusing messages in this world and this experience was one of them, so it got stored for later, and now it’s…



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