The 4th Dimension : thought frequency
4 min readMay 27, 2019

Here’s a quick exercise :

Envision the capacity of your immediate environment — the space between you and other physical objects/beings/structures in the room — full of all your regular, recurring and occasional thoughts and beliefs.

Imagine them — like subtitles — projected all around you, some lit up neon, some stacked back to back, some rotating 360 degrees, some moving like ticker-tape telling you your stocks are up (or down).

You might notice the most frequent thoughts — certain ones right up in your face, and some tiny ones far away.

This is the 4th Dimension.

*3D (3rd Dimension = Physical Plane


We project the thought, we attract the thought, we visit the thought.

​Have you ever been sitting right next to someone and thought of something so offbeat and out of context and they go ahead and say the exact random thing you’re thinking?

That — my friend—is psychic connection and that is the very essence of the astral plane.

Close or far they all exist.

And not just facts/events/dates/dialogue — but every thought ever thought.

A collection of history exists all around us.




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